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Koshun really stands out among all the Japanese tea cultivars with its distinct herbal aroma and slightly cinnamon-like sweetness. Being so outspokenly different from other Japanese Sencha cultivars it is perhaps no surprise that some even confuse it with flavored tea. Indeed the aroma of a good Koshun never fails to make an impression. I especially remember one occasion when evaluating 6 different Koshun Senchas simultaneously at a Japanese tea wholesaler. As the vapor rising from the tasting bowls entered my nostrils, I was almost...
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製造記号 会社名 所在地
+SH (株)葉桐 静岡市葵区足久保口組1733-1
+HY (株)製茶問屋山梨商店 静岡市葵区一番町80
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